Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In a female-run culture, what would be the female-centric equivalent of 'sex' words?

Just before I get the anti-feminist/what-they-think-is-feminis?men on my back, I'm not talking about women throwing down the puny little men to rule the world! I'm writing a novel in which there is a culture where women rule - I find the idea of how it would change the way people think, speak and act fascinating, and I've never read a novel in which it was explored.

My problem right now is a lingual one: I'm not sure, to put it bluntly, how to have my characters refer to the 'lady bits'. 'Vagina' loosely means 'sheath [to put your sword]' in Latin, which doesn't fit the idea of how in a female-dominated culture, penetration wouldn't be the 'dominant' sex act, it would be the taking-in - and Latin is pretty rubbish for such words anyway; take 'pudenta', generally meaning 'something to be ashamed of'. Not really the aim of this exercise.

Clearly that wouldn't be the case here, though neither am I going into making men the 'shameful, evil' ones as that's not the point of this culture, so words like 'penis' and 'phallus' will continue to do fine without degrading substitutes.

However, getting to the point, would 'aidia' or 'kolpos' have the negative connotations of 'vagina' or 'pudenta'? Could I talk about 'aidiatic/kolpic imagery'? Would 'yonic' have a stem-thought of less-than-penis-ness about it? Can anyone think of a way to describe the sex act in terms of 'being penetrated' being the one with the traditional upper hand?

Please don't reply with stupid troll replies or 'OMG, bloody woman, acting like men aren't the awesomest!' type answers, I will just ignore you. This is a theoretical question and I'm not trying to threaten your manhoods. C:In a female-run culture, what would be the female-centric equivalent of 'sex' words?
try 'enveloping' as an equal opposite to penetrating

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