Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How can I tell if I'm going to get dry sockets?

I had a tooth pulled today and I knew that I shouldn't smoke or drink through a straw but I wasn't told not to spit. About an hour after I had the tooth pulled I was still bleeding and I would spit when I changed the gauze. Is there anyway I can tell if I'm going to get a dry socket before the pain starts? How can I tell if its healing right? Its the top very back tooth on my left side... kind of hard to see.How can I tell if I'm going to get dry sockets?
you can't really tell if you are or not.

but the advice is true. Don't use a straw or drink alcohol.

I drank alcohol a day or two after and it loosened the clot up and I got dry socket. It didn't last forever it just took about twice as long to heal with some additional pain. Not horrible but if you want to be done and healed quickly then don't push it. Just enjoy your fun pills they give you.How can I tell if I'm going to get dry sockets?
First of all some spitting will not cause a problem. But the best news I can give you is that after practicing dentistry for over 43 years, I have never seen a dry socket on an upper tooth. They almost always occur on the lower jaw. Rest easier.

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