Saturday, November 20, 2010

How do i get my probation rules changed?

i read it in this article the guy doesnt have to take drug tests anymore how can i get this to happen to me is it possible could i get a lawyer to help me

Judge Dean has let this man stay free and, last year, exempted him from most of the usual conditions of probation. John Alexander ';Alex'; Wood no longer must submit to drug tests or refrain from owning a gun or even meet with a probation officer. He's simply supposed to obey the law and mail the court a postcard once a year that gives his current address.How do i get my probation rules changed?
Those are very rare cases.How do i get my probation rules changed?

A judge would have to change the terms, your attorney will have to act for you in court. Do not get your hopes up, they will not change it. It is very rare. They have you on probation to monitor your behavior and compliance with the terms of the probation. Since the law did not work in restraining your behavior, they have opted not to send you to jail, but want to see if you will follow the rules... if not they will go back to your original sentence. Of all the things they will not change, that is NOT one of them!


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